Young... Successful...
Lebanese VIP

Holding wisdom in one hand and serenity in the other, Mireille is the icon of honesty and love.
Known as the most rational amongst her two other siblings; she is modest and spiritual like her father, affectionate, serene with high principles like her mother.
Dreams are her limits, helping others is her cause, but first and foremost, love is her way.
Noble and smart, she is the pragmatic lady,
the lady of values…The lady of success
Main Adviser to the Lebanese President
Masters IT Management and artificial intelligence,
Paris Dauphine University, Class of 1993 • Paris, France
USJ, Class of 1990 • Beirut, Lebanon
Date of Birth:
August 29
Roy El Hachem
Maria (2000) Elie (2001)
Ballroom dancing
Daughter to President Michel Aoun and Nadia Al Chami, wife to Roy El Hachem, whom she refers to as her backbone and supporter, Mireille built her character and learned a lesson through every chapter of her life.
In 1990, when General Aoun went into exile in France, Mireille was still at the time undergoing her studies in Lebanon and had to relocate with her family to France where she completed her masters.
In 1993, following her graduation from Paris Dauphine University, she worked for 4 years at the “Credit du Nord bank”.
In 1997 during a dinner she was introduced to Roy Al Hachem, through whom she undertook the role of a consulter at “Valoris”, a French consulting company. She later moved on to “Sopra”, another consulting company.
In 1998 Mireille’s relationship with Roy took on a new meaning, they started dating, and on the 31st of December 1998 they married under the civil law followed by a religious ceremony on the 14th of February.
General Aoun ended 15 years of exile when he returned to Lebanon on the 7th of May 2007, during this time Mireille founded OTV with her husband Roy, where she held the team and was the HR and corporate governance manager.
From 2010 until 2013 she was her father’s office director and from 2013 until 2016, she held the position of a risk manager and marketing director at Cedrus bank.
On the 31st of October 2016, following her father’s presidency, Mireille was appointed as the President’s adviser.
Nowadays she manages the working team around the president; her duties range from organizing the relation between the republic presidency to handling the political, ministerial and managerial folders. She has a direct impute in all day to day operations and designates staff to appropriate tasks in order to fulfill the work.
Throughout Mireille’s life, she was never discouraged and every obstacle has taught her a lesson, but the most difficult turning point in her life, as she admitted, was in 2007 when her husband survived an almost fatal accident.
This incident brought them closer together and their relationship evolved to gain a higher level of love, serenity and maturity.
• How do you conceal between your inflexible personality and politics which needs compromise?
I emphasize on respect as it is crucial, when you respect someone, you are also respecting their points of view even if it differs from your own, once this level of respect is met then making a compromise and reaching a solution that fits everyone’s needs can be achieved provided the compromises are within the norms of one’s principles.
There are ideal solutions and realistic ones; I always go for realistic solutions.
• What is the limit you won’t trespass?
Principles are the basis that I will never alter nor shift. One can do concession as long as the respect, love and honesty remain intact.
• You can’t tolerate: Bad intentions and negative people.
• A won challenge? There is no challenge, I’d rather say I have an aim to reach; today Lebanon is still a project of a nation. My dream is to make it one, and for the new generation to be proud Lebanese. I am not the one who will achieve this but I am definitely the one who will strive and contribute to it.
• How would you promote the presence of women in the political life?
Education is a basic but knowledge is the most essential tool one can have. Nowadays, with the wide availability of internet, knowledge has become reachable to everyone.
• Do you encourage woman to enroll in political life?
Men &Women should fight for their own place in life especially in politics; nobody will ever step aside to delegate his place to someone else.
Both genders have to impose themselves to reach their goals. Women need to be real fighters as their role in politics is highly essential.
• What kind of a background should a woman have for a starting point in a political carrier?
Getting involved in a political party is the exact place where she should start her political carrier because when she applies as independent, her geographical expansion will be limited to a small region whereas the political party offers a wider geographical extension.
She will need to impose herself in the political party through her thoughts and actions, the inside elections will reflect her actions and power level. The political party elevates her role into wider dimensions. This is her start point and main tool.
• If you were to take a political responsibility, what would you work for?
I love both the municipality and the ministerial work as both allow you to work effectively for the sake of people on the humanitarian level.
Everything associated in the public life is important; there are numerous work opportunities in the health as well as the education sectors.
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